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ROLL NO 56 by Bhavin Trivedi, goes for various International Film Festivals

ROLL NO 56 by Bhavin Trivedi, goes for various International Film Festivals

The moment has arrived. ROLL NO 56 is about to open its wings and fly. 
ROLLNO 56 is the brainchild of Mr. Bhavin Trivedi, the writer and director of this film. It is a journey that he began in 2005. This is Bhavin’s first bilingual feature film in Gujarati and Hindi that would be releasing next year, He is passionate, works hard and believes in giving his best. He is extremely confident that this film would create and set new standards in the Gujarati Film Industry, as he would be introducing real Art Cinema to the audience. A firm believer in creativity and the art of filmmaking, he has nurtured this film with best of its technicalities which will put this film parallel to the world cinema. 

Best performances, lyrics, music, sound are some real highlights of this film. 
Gujarati culture is rich with its Art, Literature and Folk Music, its been years since we have heard any Doha or Channd. Many might not even be knowing what it is, in such a scenario 
Bhavin has put in great effort in reviving and reintroducing our cultural through his film. The film has some of the best Doha’s lyrically and musically rendered. 

Jigar Joshi has written the lyrics and music is composed by Mehul Trivedi, Sound Design is done by Nirukt Dave and editing by Nayan Chotaliya.

Bhavin was very particular while casting for each and every character in the film and what a marvellous choice, he has been successful in casting some of the finest actors for his film,  

Het dave, Shruti  Gholap, Prince Shah, Babul Bhavsar,  Ashok Beniwal, Akhilendra Mishra, Lavanya Nair and Jyoti Chudasama

This film is produced by Naresh Aghara, Jasmin Rankja, Chandubhai Khanpara and Bharatbhai Khanpara.

ROLL NO 56 is the Most promising film. The journey is about to begin. 

And Yes, after all this hard work of day in and out for months, finally the day has come where all the hard work of Bhavin and the entire team of this film will be recognized and appreciated. 

Bharvi Trivedi


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